Value Setting Form for Your Business or Personal Use
Are you a professional, wherever you are working, or just started your business?
If someone ask you, what are your values, how would you answer?
Immediately with confidence, or "someway else"?
No one or no brand born with an innate values, so it's completely okay if you still don't know or unsure about it.
One thing for sure, you gotta be aware that SETTING YOUR VALUES is important.
It's important to have a strong values because:
it will help you to introduce yourself/your brand
it will be your stand point, your compass, whenever a dilemma happens and you need to decide your next step
it will help people to RECOGNIZE and RESPECT you
So, if you still don't know how to start setting your values (or how to evaluate your values), Use this Value Setting Form!
Download from this page.
All you need to do is to put the $0 (or how much you want to pay) in the upper-right box and click "I want this!"
You can print the form later and fill it up to discover your values.
If you still have a question, contact me.
So, just roll up to download the form.
Have fun in your value setting!
You'll get a PNG form that you can print and fill in.